B17107 Microbial World
List of 15 Slides contained in “Microbial World”
- B17107-01 Bacteria Smear, 3 Types
- B17107-02 Saccharomyces Smear
- B17107-03 Chlamydomonas
- B17107-04 Penicillium
- B17107-05 Volvox
- B17107-06 Spyrogyra
- B17107-07 Aspergillus
- B17107-08 Euglena
- B17107-09 Paramecium
- B17107-10 Amoeba
- B17107-11 Agaricus Section
- B17107-12 Actinomyces
- B17107-13 Hydra Budding
- B17107-14 Chlorella
- B17107-15 Bacteria from Cheese
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